OK, so earlier I extolled the glorious Chicago dog. Yeah, in many ways, it IS better than your standard NYC hot dog. But, being a New Yorker, I have to give deference to the NYC dog because it is delicious and experiential as well. Going to Nathan's on Coney Island is like going to Grey's Papaya while on an acid trip. A dirty water dog is sometimes the only thing that will do. Hot dogs are at the top of the list of quintessential foods, which is why I was intrigued and challenged by this article in the New Yorker.
The author came up with things better than a NYC hot dog and seemed to have a pretty easy time of it. I wholeheartedly agree with some and violently disagree with others. Inspired, I made a (much) smaller list of my own, mostly because I kept thinking, "this would be made even better if it included hot dogs" and I got derailed (example: pot, beer, good music). The list isn't even worth repeating, as I basically created my own theory: everything is better with hot dogs.
(sorry- can't get the hyperlink to work!)
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